Merging With….

Humans are simply PART OF the Earth. I often think that Descartes had it all wrong with his famous “I think, therefore I am.” We, as humans do not have to be the ‘walking heads’ that Ken Robinson spoke of in his famous talk on creativity (here).

My respect of and admiration for the more-than-human world deepens as I lie on the Earth watching native bees through my camera lens, or fall into a meditative state as I watch a bug hang onto an Arrowleaf Balsamroot plant as it flails in the wind.

Merging With is an ongoing series, based on contemplations and attempts to be more at one in all of my senses as I myself, merge with the Earth. Images are often conceptual, entering a space of sublime beauty I become a part of, or a question arising within.


Climate Sorrow


Art for Social Change