Winds of Change…to powerful citizen action!

Waves of energy pulling together


In this time of drastic changes on Earth I need to speak through my art.

Light Series:

First themes included sharing my deep love and fascination of light through form. This was in the hope that offering images of such sublime beauty would incite love for the Earth. Love for Earths beauty might inspire others to act.

Skin Series

Within the the ‘skin series I discover both awe in beauty and significance. I want to honour both.

The ‘skin’ of the birch has been significant to me personally - in my youth I gathered shed birchbark for calligraphing gems of wisdom I found with pressed flowers. Historically, birchbark offered materials for functional baskets and canoes, for thousands of years of safe passage over waterways for indigenous peoples. These layers of meaning intrigue me.

Simultaneously drawn to the birch trees in a sugar bush in the fall of 2021 and reading about the birch tree being a tree of transitionary ecosystems in all continents, this intrigue continues. The birch is one of the first tree species which arrives after devastation, lives a relatively short period of time, giving shade for the development of the next wave of longer living trees, then completes its cycle.

More than Human Anguish

My heart was with all of the 1,100 brave people arrested at the Fairy Creek logging protests on Vancouver Island in 2020 and 2021. I feel the anguish of the trees so vividly. We humans MUST stand for the more than human world, protecting these beings who offer us oxygen, sink carbon, and often seem to me more deserving of life than us with respect to planetary health.

I am not sure if my photo More than Human Anguish expresses the ancient trees anguish, or my own. Perhaps we are really one and the same…




Climate Sorrow